Olga Kokcharova – Furnica

CHF 45.00

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Concept, field recording and composition by Olga Kokcharova

A1, (one sided), Furnica,  11:57

Design and screen print – Giuseppe Di Giacomi

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SKU: SPT21-1 Categories: ,



Concept, field recording and composition by Olga Kokcharova

The conceptual work by the Geneva-based artist goes back to a recording situation in which she recorded the sounds of an anthill in the forest. The ants invaded the recording device and gradually destroyed the technical components, leading to increasingly strong glitches that overlay and displace the sounds of the forest until the system collapses at the end of the recording and everything falls silent.

Vinyl, 12”, one-sided,
Screen printed, 12-page, multi-folded cover on grass cardboard designed and printed by Giuseppe de Giacomi
Accompanying text by Pali Meursault. (in E and F)

Mastering: Cedrik Fermont
Lacquer cut: Flo Kaufmann

Speckled Toshe – SPT21-1, 2022




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