Blog of the activeRat2024-10-22T21:40:38+00:00

Launch of some new vinyls & a cassette with a guest “How to Take Care of Radical Feminism”

Categories: event|

on Saturday, 15.12 we launched our latest publications at Skoob, One Gee in Fog, 25 rue de Genève - 1225 Chêne-Bourg, together with the publication How to Take Care of Radical Feminism, un [...]

Chloé Delarue gets the Bourse Abraham Hermanjat / Vevey

Categories: grant, prize|

La Fondation Abraham Hermanjat, respectant les désirs de Germaine Hermanjat, fille del’artiste, a décidé de créer une bourse ayant pour vocation de soutenir l’émergence de talents artistiques romands. La Bourse Abraham Hermanjat, [...]

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