Booklet (147 × 210 mm) and a micro-SD card (with SD adapter) and six sound files on it.
Ceel Mogami de Haas baby e-hoarder – Straight up
CHF 16.00
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baby e-hoarder by Ceel Mogami de Haas is one publication of
Straight up; 5 editions for your eyes, your brain and your ears by:
Sarah Burger, Ceel Mogami de Haas, Lauren Huret,
Laure Marville, Nastasia Meyrat and Yoan Mudry
done in Geneva and happily published by activeRat in 2015.
Every edition contains a booklet (147 × 210 mm, 16 pages) and a micro-SD card (with SD adapter) and one or several sound files on it.
Ceel Mogami de Haas writes:
“I have 4 computers with lots of storage capacity, 4 or 5 external hard disks, scattered usb sticks and sd cards, a couple of dropbox accounts, 2 gmail addresses, drives, etc. All of these things overflowing with sometimes impenetrable data.
Not a digital hoarder in the true sense of the word, but maybe a baby e-hoarder.
For straight up I decided to revive 6 computer generated images rendered but never used
(unbearably out of focus, clumsily framed or suddenly irrelevant) and to compile 6 computer sound pieces mixed but relegated to the gloomy bowels of some fragile antique storage device.
Each image is numbered so to match its sonorous peer.”