12 pages, newspaper format. Issue 3, autumn 2023. ‘Maam Kumba Bang: Myth or Legend?’ is a documentary and at the same time a sonorous journey to the mythical figure of Maam Kumba Bang in Saint Louis, Senegal. The newspaper is – like the podcast – a result of the research of Mbaye Diop, Eric Desjeux and Jonathan Frigeri in Senegal. In French.
8 pages, newspaper format. Issue 2, spring 2022 edited by Jonathan Frigeri and Laurent Schmid. With texts by Camilla Bauman and Giordano Rush ‘Gnosis in the Alps‘, and ‘Kenneth Anger et l’abbaye Thelema à Stein‘ by Iris Blum (a translated excerpt of the chapter ‘Kenneth Anger’ of Iris Blum’s book ‘Mächtig Geheim’) In French.
A newspaper of Zonoff's 'Institut de Recherche sur la Radio et la Magie', the 'IIRRM'. Published twice a year and containing texts and images around questions of magic and radio. Alternating in E and or in F. (note that issue #4 came out after issue #5) 8 - 12 (or more) pages, newspaper format, edited by Jonathan Frigeri and Laurent Schmid. cc 2021-2024, co-published by Zonoff and activeRat
The four editions of this series are all independent works by four compelling female artists who address the same fundamental questions. Starting from their personal positions, they examine, question and criticize the relationships between gender roles, norms and expectations in society – each in her own way in sound and image.
Artist book by Sabrina Fernández Casas 194 pages, b/w offset English, 13,2 x 9 cm